Zouk Mikael – The church of St Doumit

Mar Doumit El Athaya - Church, Zouq Mkayel, Lebanon

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كنيسة مار ضومط - زوق مكايل

Zouk Mkayel


Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار ضومط - زوق مكايل بنى الكنيسة الشيخ موسى الخازن سنة ١٧٢٨ وكانت وقفيّةً لآل الخازن. الكنيسة عقد مزدوج فريد بزخرفته ومقرنصاته وفتحات الضوء في السقف. كانت الكنيسة لزمنٍ طويل مرتبطة بعائلة الخازن إلى أن قامت بين سنتيّ ١٩٠٢ و ١٩٠٤ عاميّة زوق مكايل. في ذلك الزمان هدّد الأهالي بتحوّلهم إلى المذهب الأنغليكانيّ، ولتحول البطريركيّة دون ذلك، حوّلت وقفيّة الكنيسة من عائلة الخازن إلى أهالي البلدة، وخصّ البطريرك الياس الحويّك الرعيّة بزيارةٍ حبريّة وبعددِ من الإنعامات. تضمّ الكنيسة العديد من اللوحات والتحف الكنسيّة القيّمة. رمّمت في ثمانينات القرن العشرين. The church of St Doumit - Zouk Mikael The church was built in 1728 by Sheikh Moussa el Khazen as a private church for the Khazen family. The structure is ornate with arabesque decoration and lucarnes in the vault, blending cribbed and crossed vaults. The church was a fiefdom of the Khazen family until the uprising of the peasants between 1902 and 1904. Back then the Maronite Patriarchy made the church a parish for the people to prevent them from turning to anglicanism. Also the Patriarch Elias Howayek made a pontifical visit to the parish and gave the parish many indulgences. The church holds a lot goldsmith artifacts and paintings. The building was renovated in the eighties of the XXth century.

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دير مار يعقوب المقطّع




دير مار يعقوب المقطّع - إهدن

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Saint Jacob the Persian Monastery - Ehden

Saint Jacob's Monastery was built at the end of the XIIIth century, after the Mamluks' invasion. In 1470, it was inhabited by Abyssinian monks. However, in 1488, the Ehdenites expelled the monks from the monastery after the Battle of Bqoufa. Later on, the monastery became the seat of Ehden's bishops. Then, in 1641, it was inhabited by Franciscan monks. In 1657, Fr. Estfen al Doueihy (later patriarch) turned it into a school for Ehden's youth. During the 18th century, the convent was completely abandoned. In the winter of 1976, a blizzard destroyed the church. Finally, it was restored in 2004 and reconsecrated by Bishop Samir Mazloum.

Dmalsa – The Church of St. Nouhra (Logius) and St. Sophia

Saint Nohra and saint sophia (مار نوهرا), Kfar Mashoun, Lebanon

كنيسة مار نوهرا ومارت صوفيا

Kfar Mashoun


Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار نوهرا ومارت صوفيا - دملصا

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The Church of St. Nouhra (Logius) and St. Sophia - Dmalsa

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Saint Stephen Cathedral, 1400، Batroun, Lebanon

كاتدرائيّة مار اسطفان




كاتدرائيّة مار اسطفان - البترون

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St Stephen’s cathedral - Batroun

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